May 4, 2015
University Lectures for 2015-2016 Announced

University Lecture Series 2015-2016
The Center for the Study of Religion at OSU has scheduled five talks for the 2015-2016 University Lecture series. Each scholar, prominent in a variety of fields related to religion, will give a talk on their current research. Titles, abstracts, and other updates will be announced over the coming months.
Unless otherwise specified, all talks will take place Thursdays at 4:30 in 165 Thompson Library.
September 22 (Tuesday)
Cynthia Hahn (Hunter College, Art History)
October 22
Sally Promey (Yale, Divinity School)
December 1
Christopher Faraone (U. of Chicago, Classics)
March 3
Peter Gottschalk (Wesleyan U., Religion)
April 7
Kevin van Bladel (OSU, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)