Remembering Dr. Lindsay Jones at the AAR

November 10, 2021

Remembering Dr. Lindsay Jones at the AAR

The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture, Volume I by Dr. Lindsay Jones
The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture, Volume I by Dr. Lindsay Jones

On Saturday, Nov. 20th, the American Academy of Religion will be hosting a virtual panel celebrating the life and work of Dr. Lindsay Jones, former Professor Emeritus of Comparative Studies and longtime friend of the Center for the Study of Religion. Dr. Jones served as the Director for the Center from 2009-2013. The relevant panel information is as follows:


Friends and Colleagues of Lindsay Jones Theme: Narrating Religious Architecture and Sacred Space: The Hermeneutical Work and Life of Lindsay Jones (1954-2020) 3:00 PM–5:00 PM

John D. Barbour, Presiding


David Carrasco, Harvard University

Eric Ziolkowski, Lafayette College

Thomas Barrie, North Carolina State University

Sarah Iles Johnston, Ohio State University

Gregory D. Alles, McDaniel College

Julie Starr, Hamilton College

Thomas Bremer, Rhodes College

***Registration for the 2021 AAR annual meeting is required to attend this panel.