Recent Publications - CSR Faculty Affiliates

February 25, 2019

Recent Publications - CSR Faculty Affiliates

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Join us in celebrating the astounding work done by some of our religious sudies faculty affiliates. This list of recent publications reflects a commitment to integrating interdisciplinarity into the academic study of religion. 

Journal Articles & Chapters

Joy McCorriston

"Inter-cultural pilgrimmage, identity, and the Axial Age in the ancient Near East" Excavating Pilgrimage: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement in the Ancient World. ed. Troels Myrup Kristensen and Wiebke Friese. Routledge, pp. 11-27. (2017)

Morgan Liu

  “Central Asian Islam Outside a Soviet Box,” in NewsNet: News of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), 57(3): 2-5. (2017)

Norman Jones

“Teaching LGBT History through Fiction: A Story-Logic Approach to the Problems of Naming and Evidence.” Understanding and Teaching U.S. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender History. 2nd ed. Ed. Leila J. Rupp and Susan K. Freeman. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 324-35. (2017)


Cynthia Burack

Because We Are Human: Contesting US Support for Gender and Sexuality Human Rights Abroad (2019)

Hannibal Hamlin

The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Religion (2019)

Isaac Weiner and Joshua Dubler, eds.

Religion, Law, USA (2019)

Sarah Iles Johnston

The Story of Myth (2018)

Norman Jones

Provincializing the Bible: Faulkner and Postsecular American Literature, 1st Edition (2018)

Thomas P. Kasulis

Engaging Japanese Philosophy: A Short History (2018)

Carolina López-Ruiz

Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Myths in Translation (Second Edition) (2018)

T. M. Rudavsky 

Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Science, Rationalism, and Religion (2018)

Michael D. Swartz

The Mechanics of Providence: The Workings of Ancient Jewish Magic and Mysticism (2018)