CSR 2020-2021 Awards Recipients Announced

The Center for the Study of Religion is pleased to announce the results of its awards programs for the 2020-2021 academic year!
For the Robert L. and Phyllis J. Iles Award for Graduate Study of Myth, a tie:
Adéwálé Adénlé (Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy): "Yorùbá: OBJECTifying and MATERIALizing Gods"
Carman Romano (Department of Classics): “'And in Whom Do You Most Delight?'
Poets, Im/mortals, and the Myths of the Homeric Hymns".
For the Savko Award for Best Undergraduate Paper:
Rose McCandless (History and Medieval and Renaissance Studies double major): "Seeing the Exceptional in the Unexceptional: Reconstructing the Josephinum Bible".
Please join us in congratulating our awardees this year on these well-deserved recognitions!