CSR 2020-2021 Awards Recipients Announced

May 3, 2021

CSR 2020-2021 Awards Recipients Announced

Center for the Study of Religion STACKED Secondary Signature

The Center for the Study of Religion is pleased to announce the results of its awards programs for the 2020-2021 academic year!

For the Robert L. and Phyllis J. Iles Award for Graduate Study of Myth, a tie:

Adéwálé Adénlé (Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy): "Yorùbá: OBJECTifying and MATERIALizing Gods"


Carman Romano (Department of Classics): “'And in Whom Do You Most Delight?'
Poets, Im/mortals, and the Myths of the Homeric Hymns".

For the Savko Award for Best Undergraduate Paper:

Rose McCandless (History and Medieval and Renaissance Studies double major): "Seeing the Exceptional in the Unexceptional: Reconstructing the Josephinum Bible".

Please join us in congratulating our awardees this year on these well-deserved recognitions!