Congratulations!! 2020 Iles Award Recipient Dannu Hutwhol

September 14, 2020

Congratulations!! 2020 Iles Award Recipient Dannu Hutwhol

Center for the Study of Religion Stacked Secondary Signature

Please join us in congratulating Dannu Hütwohl on winning the 2020 Iles Award for the Graduate Study of Myth. The Robert L. and Phyllis J. Iles Award for Graduate Study of Myth is overseen by the Center for the Study of Religion as an annual competition that awards up to $4000 to an Ohio State graduate student in the Arts and Humanities who is working on myth, broadly conceived. Studies of myth from any culture in any period of human history are eligible for consideration. 

Mr. Hütwohl's proposal titled, "The Birth of Sacrifice: Mediterranean Myths about Gods engaged in Ritual" was selected from a number of fine proposals. Stay tuned for a write up from Mr. Hütwohl regarding the progress of his research resulting from the Iles Award that he received earlier this year!