Ronnia Hsia, "Patronnes of the Seas: Mazu and the Virgin Mary in the Early Modern World" (Annual Davis Lecture)

Ronnia Hsia
February 6, 2015
All Day
100 Stillman Hall

Professor Ronnie Hsia (Penn State University) will be giving the annual 2015 Don and Barbara Davis Lecture in Christianity Studies. 

Professor Hsia's research has focused on his history of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Renewal, anti-Semitism, and the encounter between Europe and Asia. His current book project, tenatively titled Translating Christianity: China and the Catholic Missions 1584-1780, is a study of the history of cultural encounter between Counter-Reformation Europe and the Ming and Qing empires. Recent publications include Jesuit Silk: The Cultural Practices of Catholic Conversion in Early Modern Europe and China (in preparation); A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610 (Oxford University Press, 2010); Noble Patronage and Jesuit Missions: Maria Theresia von Fugger-Wellenburg (1690-1762) and Jesuit Missionaries in China and Vietnam (Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2006); and The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 (Cambridge University Press, 1998).