New Directions in Ancient Greek Religion
A colloquium in honor of Fritz Graf
Friday, April 21, 2023
Rm. 2015, The Sphinx Room, The Ohio Union, Ohio State University
All are welcome!
9:00-9:10: Opening remarks
9:10-10:00: Jan Bremmer, University of Groningen. “Appropriating Orphism in Fifth-Century Athens”
10:10-11:00: Michael Beshay, Pennsylvania State University. “Channeling Spirit: Magic, Medicine, and Metaphor of Early Christian Baptism”
11:00-11:20: Coffee Break
11:20-12:10 K.A. Rask, The Ohio State University. “Making and Materiality in Greek Religion”
Lunch 12:10 to 1:30
1:30-2:20 Andrej Petrovic, University of Virginia. “Curses and Greek Sanctuaries”
2:30-3:20 Ivana Petrovic, University of Virginia. “Inner pollution: The Case of Apollonius’ Argonautica.”
3:30-4:00: Coffee Break
4:00-4:30 Laudatio by Jan Bremmer and response by Fritz Graf 4:00-4:30
4:30: Reception
Sponsored by the Department of Classics and the Center for the Study of Religion. This event is free and open to the public.
The illustration shows a detail from a pelike attributed to the Villa Guilia painter, about 450 BCE, now in the Getty Center (77.AE.12.2)