The OSU Center for the Study of Religion invites you to an evening of religious sound and music. This community-building event will feature instrumental and vocal performances from individuals, community groups, religious organizations and additional friends, all sharing an example of musical or sonic practice from their tradition. In addition, CSR Director Isaac Weiner will speak about the work of the American Religious Sounds Project and exhibition, created in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s Traveling Exhibition Services. This interactive poster exhibition will be on display in the event space.
Focusing on the role of sound and music in local religious practice, this event strives to build community relationships and showcase connections between sound and religion in Central Ohio. Performances will include contemporary Jewish songwriting, Christian hiphop, Theravada Buddhist chanting, Qur'anic recitation, Druid liturgy, Jazz saxophone and more.
The evening will begin with a reception and light refreshments from 6:30 to 7pm. Formal program and performances to begin at 7pm. This event is free and open to the public with free on-site parking. RSVPs are requested: follow this link to RSVP.
This event is co-sponsored by the Melton Center for Jewish Studies with support from the Diane Cummins Community Education Fund, the Humanities Institute and the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio.
Directions and Parking
Grange Insurance Audubon Center
Scioto Audubon Metro Park
505 W Whittier St, Columbus, OH 43215
Due to construction, you must approach the one-way bridge to Audubon Metro Park from the intersection of Whittier and High. To use a map app or GPS, put the location of "Planks Bier Garten" into your phone. Then, proceed west on Whittier to approach the park. Once you get to the light at Whittier/Front, please be sure to wait until the light turns green - the bridge is currently a one lane, two-way bridge. It will eventually turn green for you to go. On the way out, the same system will be in place.
The Audubon Center is at the end of the road in the metropark- drive straight to the very end (do not veer right) to find the Audubon parking lot. Free, onsite parking is available.
Participating Organizations
Bhakti Yogis
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna Movement, is a global spiritual organization founded in 1966 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in New York City. ISKCON members practice bhakti yoga or the yoga of love and devotion, community service and spiritual enlightenment. Their bhakti center ISKCON Columbus is located right across OSU Wexner Medical Center on 8th Avenue. They have community events every Thursdays and Sundays. On March 2nd they are organizing a grand Sunday Feast which is open to everyone from 11 am to 2 pm.
One of ISKCON's main practices is the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. Tonight, the ISKCON Bhakti Yogis will be performing musical mantra meditation called Kirtan.
Noor Islamic Cultural Center
Talha Akhtar, Yaqoob Mehmood and Wahida Abaza
The Noor Islamic Cultural Center main campus is located at 5001 Wilcox Avenue in Dublin Ohio with satellite campuses in Plain City and New Albany. It is a second home to thousands of Muslim worshippers and a hub for community service, interfaith partnership and spiritual counseling. Our doors are open to the community for Discover Islam presentations, tours and dialogue. See scheduled activities and request a presentation (individuals and groups welcome!). This year Ramadan will be in March, and the center is welcoming interfaith friends for the 17th annual Iftar and dialogue on March 12. Read more and RSVP.
Linden Life Fellowship
Taelor Gray, Pastor, Artist, Community Advocate
Linden Life Fellowship is a diverse, neighborhood focused church located in the heart of the south Linden community in Columbus. We have a monthly "community dinner" on the final Thursday of each month. During this time we gather together as a church community and open up dinner for members of the community. We also take time to share about different community initiatives and events happening in Linden. Otherwise we have normal Sunday services at 10:30 am, with the third Sunday only open to host prayer from 10 - 11 am.
Three Cranes Grove, ADF
Jan Avende, Mike Bierschenk, Jessica Mingus and Fenn Ziskind-Waldermacher
Three Cranes Grove is a chartered grove of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, an international Pagan church rooted in ancient Indo-European traditions expressed through public worship, study and fellowship. We are polytheistic and honor the Ancestors, the Spirits of Nature and Shining Ones — the deities of our many hearths — at public ritual eight times a year, at the solstices and equinoxes and the midpoints between them. We come from many backgrounds and hold diverse personal practices and theologies, but we are united by our group practice and by our fierce commitment to celebrating diversity in this and in all realms: so long as they come in a similar spirit of welcome, and regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity, all are welcome at our fire. Find us on our website, and on Facebook and Instagram.
Congregation Agudas Achim
Rabbi Josh Warshawsky
Rabbi Josh Warshawsky serves as the rabbi of Congregation Agudas Achim in Columbus, OH. He is a nationally touring Jewish musician, teacher, and composer who seeks to build intentional praying communities, and travels to synagogues, camps, and schools across the country sharing his music and teachings on prayer. He is originally from Chicago, and has released five albums of Jewish music, most recently in February 2025. Josh composes melodies to open up new possibilities for understanding the deep meaning of the words of Jewish tradition. He was ordained by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and lives in Bexley, OH with his wife Adina and their children Jona and Ziv. Go to his website for more information.
A message from Rabbi Warshawsky: "My mission is to help people find a spiritual and meaningful home for themselves in order to live lives filled with purpose. I am guided and motivated by my belief that human beings are spiritual seekers and meaning makers. Through prayer, through song and harmony, through spirituality, through ritual, through community, and through justice and fairness, we can build meaning and intention in our lives and the lives of those who walk beside us. I seek to do this in my music and in our synagogue Agudas Achim. At Agudas Achim we strive to nurture a community where every person feels seen, valued, and held, and where they are empowered to authentically express their whole self and identity to our communal home. Similarly, the core emotions of my new album are joy, hope, and love. We need more radical joy, we need more audacious hope, we need more unflinching love."
Wat BuddhaSamakidham
Wat Buddha Samakidham is a Theravada Buddhist temple in Columbus, Ohio, catering especially to the needs of the local Lao and Thai communities.
Zip Irvin, Saxophone
The Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA) is part of a global community-based network of more than 11 million people in 192 countries and territories that practice the humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism centered on respect for the dignity of life. As members of the SGI, we are committed to dialogue and nonviolence based on the conviction that individual happiness and the realization of peace are inextricably linked. Find more information on the SGI website.
Matthew ”Zip" Irvin is a musician playing woodwinds (saxophone, clarinet and flute) across a spectrum of genres and in different music markets with a performing history and discography spanning 1976 to now: Washington DC, Richmond VA, central North Carolina, Lexington KY and currently in Cincinnati. He is currently collaborating with pianist and singer Daven Roberson in the nonprofit “Soul Music for Seniors” which brings live performances to senior living and community centers. He also teaches sociology online and in the community college system in Ohio serving incarcerated college students. He has been practicing SGI Buddhism since 1987.
Illuminati: The Sacred Music Ensemble of the Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus
Illuminati debuted in 2001 and has been performing since 2009. They are one of the only LGBTQ+ sacred music ensembles in the United States. Referring to a Latin expression meaning “the enlightened,” Illuminati was created to respond to the community’s expressed desire for musical performances of a sacred or spiritual nature. Its mission is to extend outreach, particularly to religious organizations, while respecting members’ individual spiritual beliefs.
Illuminati performs monthly at various religious institutions and events throughout central Ohio and sometimes beyond, and is proud to be a bridge between the LGBTQIA+ and religious communities. Illuminati works to demonstrate that we all have a place in sacred spaces, and are whole, holy and loved. Illuminati’s mission is to demonstrate through song that ALL people have a place in the religious community.