"Evolution v. Creationism: A Short History"
The first in our series of lectures for the general public by OSU's faculty community.
Abstract: "Debates about human origins constitute one of the most prominent sites of conflict between science and religion in the modern world. This lecture will explore the cultural and intellectual history of this debate by tracing critical shifts in how American Christians have responded to the claims of Darwinian evolution over the past century. Particular attention will be paid to a concrete set of legal disputes concerning the teaching of religious and scientific accounts of human origins in U.S. public schools. These controversies provide vivid case studies of the changing cultural context of the debate between religion and science through this period and illuminate many of the broader issues at stake. In the end, they will be used to assess competing frameworks for making sense of the relationship between religion and science today."
Free and open to the public.
A recording of this talk is available upon request. Please email religion@osu.edu to request a copy.