ICS Lecture: David Mozina, "The Efficacy of Rage in Chinese Religion"

A decorative image with a repeating round tile pattern
February 22, 2024
4:00PM - 5:30PM
090 University Hall

Date Range
2024-02-22 16:00:00 2024-02-22 17:30:00 ICS Lecture: David Mozina, "The Efficacy of Rage in Chinese Religion" The Institute for Chinese Studies, Center for Historical Research, and Center for the Study of Religion present: "The Efficacy of Rage in Chinese Religion"David MozinaFairbank Center for Chinese StudiesFor the full event listing, go here:  090 University Hall America/New_York public

The Institute for Chinese Studies, Center for Historical Research, and Center for the Study of Religion present: 

"The Efficacy of Rage in Chinese Religion"

David Mozina
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies

For the full event listing, go here: