September 26, 2019
Thompson Library 165
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2019-09-26 16:30:00
2019-09-26 18:00:00
Davis Lecture in Christianity presenting Angie Heo
"Copts and Christian-Muslim Mediation: The Social Life of Theology in Egypt"
Angie Heo is Assistant Professor of the Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
ABSTRACT: For Egypt's Coptic Orthodox, image theology is central to mediating human-divine relations. From the Arab uprisings to Sisi's military coup, varying theologies of material imagination have given rise to communal critique and minoritarian nationhood. This talk navigates the social life of theology to understand how visual images organize relations between Christians and Muslims toward national and sectarian ends. In doing so, it considers the communicative aesthetics of religion and the creative making of religious difference within the terms of national unity.
Thompson Library 165
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-09-26 16:30:00
2019-09-26 18:00:00
Davis Lecture in Christianity presenting Angie Heo
"Copts and Christian-Muslim Mediation: The Social Life of Theology in Egypt"
Angie Heo is Assistant Professor of the Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
ABSTRACT: For Egypt's Coptic Orthodox, image theology is central to mediating human-divine relations. From the Arab uprisings to Sisi's military coup, varying theologies of material imagination have given rise to communal critique and minoritarian nationhood. This talk navigates the social life of theology to understand how visual images organize relations between Christians and Muslims toward national and sectarian ends. In doing so, it considers the communicative aesthetics of religion and the creative making of religious difference within the terms of national unity.
Thompson Library 165
"Copts and Christian-Muslim Mediation: The Social Life of Theology in Egypt"
Angie Heo is Assistant Professor of the Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
ABSTRACT: For Egypt's Coptic Orthodox, image theology is central to mediating human-divine relations. From the Arab uprisings to Sisi's military coup, varying theologies of material imagination have given rise to communal critique and minoritarian nationhood. This talk navigates the social life of theology to understand how visual images organize relations between Christians and Muslims toward national and sectarian ends. In doing so, it considers the communicative aesthetics of religion and the creative making of religious difference within the terms of national unity.