March 1, 2019
The Ohio State University Faculty Club
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2019-03-01 17:00:00
2019-03-01 19:30:00
CSR Symposium on Religion & Race
The Center for the Study of Religion presents, a Religious Studies Symposium"In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the Spirit"featuring Dr. Erica Edwards (Rutgers University) & Dr. Vincent Lloyd (Villanova University)Event Recording Link: In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the SpiritAddional information for and directions to the Ohio State University Faculty Club can be found below:The Ohio State University Faculty ClubDirectionsAdmission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.Parking for this event is available at the Union South Garage, which can be accessed from High Street or from College Road S. Metered parking is also available along W. 11th Avenue west of High Street, and on W. 12th Avenue across from Hale Hall.
The Ohio State University Faculty Club
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-03-01 16:00:00
2019-03-01 18:30:00
CSR Symposium on Religion & Race
The Center for the Study of Religion presents, a Religious Studies Symposium"In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the Spirit"featuring Dr. Erica Edwards (Rutgers University) & Dr. Vincent Lloyd (Villanova University)Event Recording Link: In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the SpiritAddional information for and directions to the Ohio State University Faculty Club can be found below:The Ohio State University Faculty ClubDirectionsAdmission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.Parking for this event is available at the Union South Garage, which can be accessed from High Street or from College Road S. Metered parking is also available along W. 11th Avenue west of High Street, and on W. 12th Avenue across from Hale Hall.
The Ohio State University Faculty Club
The Center for the Study of Religion presents, a Religious Studies Symposium
"In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the Spirit"
Dr. Erica Edwards (Rutgers University) & Dr. Vincent Lloyd (Villanova University)
Event Recording Link: In Defense of Charisma: a Conversation on Enchantment, Terror, and the Spirit
Addional information for and directions to the Ohio State University Faculty Club can be found below:
Admission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.
Parking for this event is available at the Union South Garage, which can be accessed from High Street or from College Road S. Metered parking is also available along W. 11th Avenue west of High Street, and on W. 12th Avenue across from Hale Hall.