Please join The Center for the Study of Religion at The Ohio State University for a Symposium on Religion and Sexuality Post-Obergefell. Last year’s Supreme Court ruling that requires states to allow same-sex marriages is just one signal milestone in changing civil law concerning marriage and sexuality. How are participants in the religious tradition(s) you study engaging with this new civil environment? What resources does the tradition offer to adherents to adapt to and/or resist the changing social and legal context? What do you see happening in the next few years?

The event will be held in the OSU Faculty Club's Grand Lounge. The Faculty Club is marked with a blue arrow in the map to the left.
David Brakke (History) will act as respondent for the four presentations. The symposium is free and open to the public!
Julie Ingersoll, University of North Florida
Shaul Magid, Indiana University
Khaleel Mohammed, San Diego State University