COMPAS CONFERENCE: Religious Freedom

Color Image of Multiple Depictions of Religious Symbology for COMPAS Conference on Religious Freedom
September 8, 2017
All Day
Thompson Library, 11th Floor

The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents, a Religion COMPAS Conference: Religious Freedom

What makes a belief, practice, or community “religious”?  Should religious freedoms be given more protection under the law than secular ones?  What should we do when the exercise of religious freedom collides with the public interest?

8:45a - 9:00a - Welcoming Remarks

  • Don Hubin, Director of the Center for Ethics and Human Values

9:00a - 10:30a - Session 1:  What (if anything) is special about religious freedom?

11:00a - 12:30p - Session 2:  What are the proper limits of religious freedom?

Religion COMPAS