COMPAS CONFERENCE: Religion in Global Context

Color Image of Multiple Depictions of Religious Symbology for COMPAS Conference on Religious Freedom
April 13, 2018
All Day



The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents


a Religion COMPAS Conference:


Religion in Global Context



How has religion contributed to the pursuit of world peace?  How has it served as a source of global conflict and violence?  Does religious belief play an essential role in bringing about moral progress?  Are religious conflicts really about religion?

8:45a - 9:00a - Welcoming Remarks

  • Don Hubin, Director of the Center for Ethics and Human Values

9:00a - 10:30a - Session 1: Religion and Global Conflict

11:00a - 12:30p - Session 2:  Religion and Global Cooperation

  • Speakers:
    • Azza Karam (Senior Socio-cultural Adviser, UNFPA)
    • Donald A. Sylvan (Political Science, Ohio State University)
  • Moderator:
    • TBA