April 7, 2019
St. John's Episcopal Church, 700 High St., Worthington, OH 43085
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2019-04-07 15:30:00
2019-04-07 17:30:00
Community Lecture: Seth Gaiters
The Center for the Study of Religion presentsReligions of the World: Past and Present Community Lecture Series 2018-2019"Black Lives Matter and Sacred Politics"with Seth GaitersFor more information, please continue to check this event page.For information on parking, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church at 614.846.5180.Additionally, if coming from campus, be advised that the Number 2 COTA bus will take you within a comfortable proximity. Ride fare is free for Ohio State students, $2 for one-way travel. Admission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.
St. John's Episcopal Church, 700 High St., Worthington, OH 43085
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-04-07 15:30:00
2019-04-07 17:30:00
Community Lecture: Seth Gaiters
The Center for the Study of Religion presentsReligions of the World: Past and Present Community Lecture Series 2018-2019"Black Lives Matter and Sacred Politics"with Seth GaitersFor more information, please continue to check this event page.For information on parking, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church at 614.846.5180.Additionally, if coming from campus, be advised that the Number 2 COTA bus will take you within a comfortable proximity. Ride fare is free for Ohio State students, $2 for one-way travel. Admission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.
St. John's Episcopal Church, 700 High St., Worthington, OH 43085
The Center for the Study of Religion presents
Religions of the World: Past and Present Community Lecture Series 2018-2019
"Black Lives Matter and Sacred Politics"
with Seth Gaiters
For more information, please continue to check this event page.
For information on parking, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church at 614.846.5180.
Additionally, if coming from campus, be advised that the Number 2 COTA bus will take you within a comfortable proximity. Ride fare is free for Ohio State students, $2 for one-way travel.
Admission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.