February 14, 2018
All Day
Page Hall, Room 020
The Ohio State University Center for the Study of Religion presents
Religions of the World: Past and Present, Community Lecture Series 2017-2018
"Has the Islamic 'Reformation' Already Happened?: Reformist Thought and the Beginning of Islamic Modernity"
Professor Sean Anthony of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures will deliver the second talk in the 2017-2018 Community Lecture series.
ABSTRACT: Public discourse on Islam often opines that Islam still stands in need of a Reformation along the lines that of European Christianity. What this discourse misses, however, is that early modern Muslim societies did witness the rise of Reformist thought. This talk examines the most important Sunni expression of Reformist thought in modern Sunni Islam – Salafism – and explores some of the reasons why it failed to achieve much of its political program and reformist aims.
Admission to this event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact (614) 688-8010.
Parking for this event is available at the Union South Garage, which can be accessed from High Street or from College Road S. Metered parking is also available along W. 11th Avenue west of High Street, and on W. 12th Avenue across from Hale Hall.