Autumn 2020 Courses

An exciting set of courses coming up this fall in Religious Studies, with both online and in-person options to choose from...

RELSTDS 2370 | Introduction to Comparative Religion  

TR 9:35-10:55 | Hugh Urban | 25548 | Sullivant Hall 220, Hybrid Delivery

Introduction to the academic study of religion through comparison among major traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) and smaller communities. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 2370H or CompStd 2370H (270H) or 2370 (270). GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course. 

COMPSTDS 3990 | Approaches to Comparative Studies 

TR 3:55-5:15 | Barry Shank | 14394 | Page Hall 060, Hybrid Delivery

Introduces comparative studies majors to theoretical tools, methods of investigation, and key concepts in comparative studies research and scholarship. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. CompStd major, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 398. 

RELSTDS 3673 | The Buddhist Tradition 

TR 12:45-2:05 | Melissa Curley | 25566 | Pomerene Hall 160, Hybrid Delivery

History and structure of Buddhism from founding to present in South, Southeast, and East Asia; emphasis on rituals, beliefs, and local and regional variations. 2370 (270) recommended. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for CompStd 3673 (323), EALL 3223 (323), or RelStds 323. Cross-listed in EALL 3223. 

HEBREW 2700 | The Hebrew Bible in Translation 

TR 9:35-10:55 | Daniel Frank | 15814 | Online

Reading and analysis of selected chapters from the Hebrew scriptures and post-biblical Hebrew writings representative of major historical, cultural, and literary trends. Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with credit for 2700H, JewshSt 2700, or 2700H. GE lit and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in JewshSt. 

HISTORY 2220 | Introduction to the History of Christianity 

MWF 10:20-11:15 | David Brakke | 26079 | RPAC B134, In Person

Introduces students to the historical study of Christianity as a religious tradition. Sometimes this course is taught in a distance only format. Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor. GE historical study and diversity global studies course. 

HISTORY 2351 | Early Islamic Society, 610-1258 

TBA | Sean Anthony | 24702 | Online

Origins and early development of selected fundamental Islamic institutions in their historical and cultural context. Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx. Not open to students with credit for 540.01. GE historical study course. 

HISTORY 3218 | Paul & His Influence in Early Christianity  

TR 12:45-2:05 | James Harrill | 33702 | Blackwell Inn 110B, In Person

Survey of the life and thought of the apostle Paul in translation, and his influence on the formation of Christianity. Prereq: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Clas 3407. GE for lit and historical study course. 

HISTORY 3229 | History of Early Christianity  

TR 11:10-12:30 | David Brakke | 33703 | Dreese Lab 113, In Person

A survey of the history of Christianity from its Jewish and Greco-Roman roots to the late sixth century. Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 506. GE historical study and diversity global studies course. 

JEWSHST 2201 | Introduction to Jewish Culture, Thought, and Practice 

TR 11:10-12:30 | Naomi Brenner | 34213 | Student Academic Services 289, Hybrid Delivery

An introduction to the historical, ideological, and cultural growth of Judaism examined from a variety of methodological perspectives. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 201. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course. 

NELC 3501 | Introduction to Islam 

TR 2:20-3:40 | Hekmat Dirbas | 25698 |  Fawcett Center 140, In Person

Examination of Islam as a world religion, enabling an understanding of its major tenets and beliefs as they are envisioned by insiders and outsiders. Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 351. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course. 

PHILOS 2120 | Asian Philosophies 

MWF 11:30-12:25 | Steven Brown | 23960 |  Online

A survey including at least three of the following philosophical systems of Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 215. GE lit and diversity global studies course. 

RELSTDS 2102.01 | Literature and Religion 

 WF 11:10-12:30 | Spencer Dew | 22484 | Drinko Hall 130, Hybrid Delivery

Study of relationships between religion and secular literature; analysis of religious and spiritual elements of literature and film of diverse cultures and historical periods. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 2102.01H, CompStd 2102.01 (202.01), or 2102.01H (202.01H). GE lit and diversity global studies course. 

RELSTDS 3679 | Popular Culture and World Religion 

 WF 12:45P-2:05 | Spencer Dew | 25549 | Campbell Hall 200, Hybrid Delivery

The representation of religion in visual culture, in the United States and around the world; the ways that religious traditions are represented or misrepresented; the ways religious traditions appropriate popular culture for their own purposes; new forms of religious practice and community that grow directly out of popular culture.
Prereq: English 1110. GE VPA course. 

RELSTDS 3680 | Religion and Law in Comparative Perspective 

TR 2:20-3:40 | Isaac Weiner | 33797 | Online

Comparative, interdisciplinary approach to studying religion and law. Drawing on concrete cases, historical studies, and theoretical literature, the course explores how the relationship between religion and law has been configured differently in different liberal democracies, such as the U.S., France, and Israel, and what this might mean for contemporary debates. Team-taught w/ faculty in History. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for History 3680. GE historical study and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in History. 

SOCIOL 3467 | Sociology of Religion 

TBA | Adam Long | 25002 | Online

The social role of religious institutions and beliefs, with particular reference to the United States; the relation between religion and other aspects of society. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 467. GE diversity soc div in the US course. 

Newark Campus

RELSTDS 2102.01 | Literature and Religion 

TR 5:30-6:50 | Cheryl Cash | 21917 | Online

Study of relationships between religion and secular literature; analysis of religious and spiritual elements of literature and film of diverse cultures and historical periods. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 2102.01H, CompStd 2102.01 (202.01), or 2102.01H (202.01H). GE lit and diversity global studies course. 

Wooster Campus

RELSTDS 2370 | Introduction to Comparative Religion  

TBA | Eric Williams | 12010 | Online

Introduction to the academic study of religion through comparison among major traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) and smaller communities. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 2370H or CompStd 2370H (270H) or 2370 (270). GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.